物流技术展望》杂志请娜塔莎-里奇(Natasha Rich)撰写一篇文章,题目自选。
2023 年 10 月 9 日
衷心感谢 物流技术展望杂志 刊登了OIA Global的娜塔莎-里奇(Natasha Rich)!娜塔莎目前担任供应链运营部经理,领导着一支专注于采购、物流、库存管理和仓储配送的专家团队。她领导的专家团队专注于采购、物流、库存管理和仓储配送。
"运营部是供应链管理 (SCM) 团队的中心枢纽,因为我们促进与其他部门的合作,推动项目顺利启动。我们努力处理咨询并迅速解决问题,确保客户始终获得一流的服务,"娜塔莎解释道。
Logistics Tech Outlook regularly asks industry leaders to share their viewpoints about emerging supply chain trends and to provide guidance based on their past experiences. Natasha was given <1,000 words to write about an important topic of her choice. In the article, Natasha details how careful, prescient, strategic supply chain design can benefit a business and its end customers in multiple ways.